Presenter information

Poster presenters

The maximum size for a poster is A0 (118,9 cm high and 84,1 cm wide) and the posters will be attached to poster boards with pins (supplied by the organizers). Poster presenters are expected to hang their posters before 12:00 on June 6th. There will be allocated times each day where the Poster presenters are expected to be by their posters and be available to discuss their work with the audience. The posters will remain on the exhibition boards until the end of the conference, when presenters are expected to take them down. Please be advised that if your poster is not removed at the end of the conference, it will be disposed of. 

Oral presentations and Workshops

The lecture rooms are equipped with a data projector, screen, computer, microphones and internet access. 

You should bring your presentation on a USB and load it to the computer of the lecture room (or check with the staff that there are no technical difficulties presenting from your own computer) no later than during the previous intermission. Assistance will be available. 

The duration of the presentations is:
1. Papers – 20 min. with 10 min. for discussion
2. Panels/Symposia – 90 min. May include two, three or more participants
3. Workshops – 90 min., opportunity for active audience participation and learning
4. Meet the Author – 30 min. of discussion of a recently published book.

Individual presentation times will be available by the end of April.