Conference Programme

The official language of the conference is English. Simultaneous interpretation from English to Finnish will be available  during the Plenary sessions for delegates who have pre-ordered it when registering.

Wednesday, June 5th

16:00-17:00Meet Up for delegates with lived experience and family members 

17:00-18:30Welcome Reception                                                                                    

Thursday, June 6th

08:30-08:45Welcome to ISPS 2024
08:45-09:30      Need Adapted Care for Psychoses - Present and Future                             
Klaus Lehtinen

09:30-10:15ISPS and the Hearing Voices Movement: Shared Perspectives and Growing Common Ground
Claire Bien

10:15-10:45Coffee break
10:45-12:15Symposia/paper sessions/workshops
12:15-13:45Lunch and posters
13:45-14:30Why We should and can Address Trauma in Psychosis
David van den Berg

14:30-15:15Alliance Rupture and Repair
Catherine Eubanks

15:15-15:45Reflections on todays plenaries

15:45-16:15Coffee break
16:15-17:45Symposia/paper sessions/workshops

17:45-19:15Symposia/paper sessions/workshops

Friday, June 7th

08:30-09:15The Role of Chance. In the Power of Interaction                                        
Francoise Davoine

09:15-10:00Recovery - what do we actually mean by it?
Nina Kilkku

10:00-10:30Coffee break
10:30-12:00Symposia/paper sessions/workshops

12:00-13:30Lunch, ISPS Meeting - Open Forum and posters

13:30-14:15ODDESSI, The Latest Findings
Russell Razzaque

14:15-15:00How to Speak with Families
Mia Kurtti and Jaakko Seikkula

15:00-15:30Reflections on todays plenaries

15:30-16:00Coffee break
16:00-17:30Symposia/paper sessions/workshops

19:00Conference dinner

Saturday, June 8th

09:00-09:45Safewards: A 10-year Review of the Research, Developments and Possible 
Directions of Travel
Alan Simpson

09:45-11:15Symposia/paper sessions/workshops
11:15-11:45Coffee break
11:45-12:30Early Intervention in Mental Health and Access to Quality Care:
an Environmental, Societal and Political Issue.
Philippe Conus

12:30-13:30Lunch and posters
13:30-14:15Posters, review and prizes

14:15-15:00EUFAMI European Federation of Associations of Families of People
with Mental Illness
"Family caregivers: the recovery path"
Emmanuelle Remond

15:00-15:30Coffee break
15:30-16:15Stigma: New paradigms
Norman Sartorius

16:15-17:00Closing ceremony